Grandinote was founded in 2004 by chief designer Massimiliano Magri.
Initially working with tube amplifiers, it didn't take long before a new star was born. Grandinote's new technology called "Magnetosolid".
The natural sound of tubes combined with the dynamics and drive of the best solid state. This is Magnetosolid technology.
Grandinote - Shinai Integrated Amplifier
Grandinote - Volta DAC/Streamer
Tubes or Semiconductors? Magnetosolid®.
The name of this technology borns from the combination of "ferromagnetic" with "solid state".
Solid-state components are used in typical circuits for tube amplifiers.. We managed to combine the advantages of solid state and tube amplifiers, overcoming their respective limitations.
The result is a tight, precise and dynamic sound, yet gentle, airy, warm and pleasant: natural.
All polarizations are in Class A and without feedback.
All low signal stages are direct coupled: without capacitors.
For every device, we use a dedicated independent power supply circuit.
Each component is carefully selected.
When you listen Grandinote, you forget to listen tubes, you forget to listen solid-state, you listen only music.
MACH series of loudspeakers
The team at Grandinote were not just happy to create the best solid state electronics.
2017 saw the official release of the MACH series of loudspeakers, starting with the MACH 4.
This is a speaker that will showcase the Natural sound of Grandinote. A New Reference in loudspeaker performance.
Clement Perry of Stereotimes commented on his initial listen of MACH 4 during Munich High End 2017 -
"I sat there going through more and more songs wondering how the Mach 4's continued to allow the music through in a way that was horn-like dynamically and especially with regard to speed. Is Max Magri THIS GOOD at making loudspeakers? "
Well the answer is YES !
Grandinote - MACH 4
Grandinote - Genesi Reference Preamplifier
HAndmade in italy
All Grandinote products are handmade in Italy.
The finest standards of Artisan workmanship result in products that will last a lifetime.
Please come listen for yourself at our showroom or we can come to you.