Von Schweikert Audio
Von Schweikert Audio - Ultra 9 Loudspeakers
Peerless engineering - Breathtaking performance
Purasound is proud to offer Von Schweikert Audio in Australia.
Von Schweikert Audio has been at the forefront of High-End Audio speaker engineering and manufacturing for more than 40 years.
Sustained excellence can only happen if something truly special is on offer.
Numerous Best of Show awards, Product of the Year awards continue to roll in for Von Schweikert Audio. A testament that this is a company that does not rest on its impressive achievements to date.
The Team at VSA are dedicated to - Ultimate, no compromise performance.
The Sound of Reality.
Von Schweikert Audio - VR - 55 Aktive Loudspeakers
VR-55 Aktive Loudspeakers
Greg Weaver from The Absoute Sound remarked in his review of the VR-55
“What Von Schweikert Audio has created with the VR-55 Aktives is a compellingly accurate, resolute, coherent, and extraordinarily musical loudspeaker.”
VSA Ultra 11 - The definition of Ultimate Performance
Ultra Reference Loudspeakers
The Ultra Reference series is represented with three outstanding models - Ultra 55, Ultra 9 and the flagship Ultra 11’s.
The entire Ultra Line benefit from one very significant advantage; a cost no object budget. Each loudspeaker in this line is built to order and incorporates the latest and greatest technical advancements to achieve the ultimate performance.
As such, the Von Schweikert Audio Ultra Line reference loudspeakers represents the pinnacle of our design and manufacturing achievements and deservedly holds the honor of our flagship systems.
Purasound is excited and honored to offer Von Schweikert Audio here in Australia.
Come listen or contact us for a demonstration.