Aries Cerat - Incito S

Aries Cerat - Incito S
A famous quote from Albert Einstein was the inspiration for the development of the Incito: "Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler."
Simple circuits not only usually work better and more reliably, they also sound better. But the simplicity also has its disadvantages, especially in the area of measured values. But not with the Incito. Its heart is a powerful amplifier stage built around the extremely "steep" E280F triode, which was only manufactured by Siemens. Transformer-coupled and without any negative feedback ensure the best measured values, which is not least due to the in-house step-down transformer, which ensures transistor-like interference voltage margins. The tube power supply with the famous 5AR4 rectifier works with an oversized choke, super-fast capacitors and an adjustable bias control, which works absolutely silently. A volume control built up discretely with resistors, combined with superb signal relays, provides the icing on the cake at the end of the circuit. XLR outputs are standard, all inputs are configurable.
Full swing signal bandwidth: -6db @ 4Hz~140kHz Harmonic distortion: 0.005% typical
Maximum signal output swing: 32Vrms @ 10kohm load -6db switch
(reconfigurable step down) Gain: 20db/14db selectable
Maximum harmonic distortion: less than 0.1% THD at 20V rms)
Output impedance: 50ohm (12ohm in -6db mode) Weight: 34Kg unpacked
Max harmonic distortion : 0.005% typical (<0.1% THD @ 20Vrms)